To illustrate her views, the author uses two contrasted pictures, the historical story of Imam Shamil, who embodies the proper jihadist/resistance vis-à-vis with the current so-called jihadists. The findings show that Aboulela's primary concern is to condemn terrorist operations against innocent people worldwide. It argues that Aboulela uses Imam Shamil as a metaphor to debunk the terrorist attacks that target innocent people under the pretext of Islam, and on the other hand, setting a good example of the concept of jihad. Drawing on the views of Wail Hassan, the study focuses on Leila Aboulela's novel The Kindness of Enemie to examine the author's concern of Muslims' image in the west after the 9/11 terrorist attack and its impact on Muslims, particularly the immigrants. This paper uses the textual analysis method to explore Leila Aboulela as a writer with a sophisticated commitment to Islam who strives to counteract the biased perception of Islam and Muslims.

Written with directness and force, Minaret is a lyric and insightful audiobook about Islam and an alluring glimpse into a culture Westerners are only just beginning to understand.Muslims' image in the West had completely changed since 9/11, 2001. They find a common bond in faith and slowly, silently, begin to fall in love. Then Najwa meets Tamer, the intense, lonely younger brother of her employer.

Soon orphaned, she finds solace and companionship within the Muslim community. But a coup forces the young woman and her family into political exile in London. An upper-class Westernized Sudanese, her dreams were to marry well and raise a family. Twenty years ago, Najwa, then at university in Khartoum, would never have imagined that one day she would be a maid. With her Muslim hijab and downturned gaze, Najwa is invisible to most eyes, especially to the rich families whose houses she cleans in London. Leila Aboulela's American debut is a provocative, timely, and engaging audiobook about a young Muslim woman - once privileged and secular in her native land and now impoverished in London - gradually embracing her orthodox faith.